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fbreader - An e-book reader for Unix/Windows computers
- Description:
FBReader is an e-book reader for various platforms. Currently FBReader works on
Linux desktop.
Windows XP/Vista computer.
FreeBSD computer.
Various linux-based mobile devices:
Sharp Zaurus with Qtopia-based ROMs, pdaXrom or OpenZaurus ROM.
Archos PMA430.
Siemens Simpad with Opensimpad 0.9.0/Opie ROM.
Nokia 770/N800/N810 Internet Tablets (maemo).
PepperPad 3 handheld web computer.
Motorola A1200 smartphone.
Motorola E680i/A780 smartphones. (This port is available from the third-party site.)
IRex iLiad. (This port is available from the third-party site.)